(Instructions Below)

Enter your prior university credit here:
Quality Hours (QHRS):   Quality Points (QPTS):

Enter your expected grades and credit hours here:
  Grade Hours   Grade Hours
Class 1 Class 2
Class 3 Class 4
Class 5 Class 6
Class 7 Class 8

Want to estimate what your GPA will be at the end of this semester?
Need to know what it will take to improve your GPA?

Then use our GPA calculator above. Here's how:
  1. JavaScript must be enabled for the GPA Calculator to work.
  2. Enter your prior university credit from FSU to establish your current GPA. Enter your Cumulative Quality Points and Cumulative Quality Hours. If you are a transfer student, include only Quality Points and Hours earned at FSU.
  3. Enter the grades you think you will make in each course and the hours of credit for each course. Press the "calculate" button. This will display a calculation of your new cumulative GPA.
  4. To determine what grades you must make to improve your GPA to a certain level (For example, how many hours of "A" do I need to move from a 1.8 to a 2.5) you must try several scenarios. You might try entering grades in various combinations to see what impact certain grades will have on your cumulative average.